Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So that Vince Li whacko says "god" told him to behead, mutilate, and cannibalise that poor guy on the Greyhound bus. Back to my previous point about how I'm supposed to just go along and respect the bizarre beliefs of various religious stooges... How is this guy hearing the voice of god any less plausible than anyone else's delusions ? Is the court now supposed to say "Oh, god said to? Well, mister cannibal nut-bar, you're free to believe in all kinds of fairy-tales, so we're going to let you go on the grounds of religious freedom." Because that's what would happen were everyone to really respect and take seriously the "beliefs" of people who hear the voice of god in their head. There's not much of a gap between a voice in someone's head going "Vince !! Vince !! you've got to kill him now ! Eat his eyes and dismember him so he doesn't re-animate !" and a voice in someone's head going "Kill your son for me, Abraham ! Oh ! Gotcha ! Just kidding ! Haha!"

On a bus/god tangent, OC Transpo, the municipal bus service in Ottawa recently decided not to allow athiest ads that said "There's probably no god, now relax, stop worrying and enjoy your life" Apparently the city council are all jesus cultists or something. The ads should probably have read "There's probably no god, now relax and don't behead, mutilate, or cannibalise anyone. Just take the pills, Ok ?"

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