Thursday, February 26, 2009

So this is just me ranting. Tirades about religion. First post, so lets start with my biggest problem. How seriously people take their deranged beliefs. Sure, everyone is entitled to believe whatever they like, but if "whatever you like" includes "There's a great big angry man in the sky and he's going to get you unless you do what I say !" or "Space Grandpa wants me to kill you, infidel!" then perhaps you should just fuckingwell keep your mouth shut. Or expect people to say "uh, that sounds like crazy bullshit" when you tell them "what you believe". If someone told you they thought the world was neither flat nor round, but was in fact a hemisphere on the back of an enormous tortoise, and that only ceaseless songs of praise to the tortoise and his testicles, and mass baby sacrifice for the tortoise would keep the tortoise from tossing us into the cosmic bog, you'd think they were delusional, and probably mock them. Or run from them if there's fifty of them with pointy inquisitor hoods on and torches.... So that's how I feel when someone tells me they think the earth is 5000 years old and we were all made from clay, and animals can talk, and people with wings live in cities in the clouds and a super-baby made of crackers and wine is going to come back to earth someday and get me for not believing in his psychopathic arsehole dad.

Fucking seriously now.

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